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The Ultimate Guide To Camping And Adventure Holidays

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Camping is a great activity, but there are some risks associated with it. There are many natural hazards in the wild that can be dangerous and even deadly to campers if they encounter them. The following article will keep you safe by showing you what hazards to look out for while camping.

Pre-cool your ice chest by filling it with loads of ice, at least six hours prior to departure. When you are about to leave, pack up your refrigerated cooled drinks and block ice, not cubed. Popping room temp beverages will take up valuable ice-life, and the cubes will melt much quicker than a block!

Water is very important when camping. When camping at a campground, there should be ample supply of water available, but on the trail, you will have to carry some with you. If you are going long distances, you should probably carry iodine tablets to sanitize any water you find before drinking. Be careful, dysentery can be deadly.

Take only photos and leave only footprints. That is the rule of thumb when camping. Only use the natural resources that you need and do not leave any traces that you were camping when you leave. Pick up all trash, extinguish and cover any fire pits, bury all human waste, and make the area where you camped look exactly as it did when you found it.

Make sure that you find out what sort of weather is forecast for the place that you are going to be camping at. There are a number of sites that can provide detailed information regarding what to expect weather-wise during your trip. With the right weather information, you can be prepared with the proper clothing and equipment.

Practice makes perfect when pitching a tent. Take the time to put the tent up before leaving for your trip. This allows you to build your proficiency at erecting the tent, and will also help locate any issues with the tent in case you need to exchange it for a better option.

Keep a kerchief or bandanna close at hand. You can use these as hand towels, cleanup towels, pot holders or anything you need cloth for. It does not take much space in your bag and can save the day in many different situations.

Camping often sounds like a great deal of fun, and it is; however it does require some special preparation. Before going camping for the first time, make sure you have done some research on tents, food and wildlife survival. It can make the difference between a great trip and a dangerous one.

Understand how your food will be cooked. You need to consider how you are going to prepare all meals. Will you need charcoal? Perhaps you need a small propane tank. It can be difficult to cook every meal over an open fire; no matter, how much fun it might seem.

It is a good idea to pitch your tent on a piece of land that is level. This will ensure you sleep better, which means you will have more energy for the next day. If you have to sleep on an incline, make sure that your head is tilted uphill.

If camping with children, place each set of their clothing in a zippered plastic bag or a tied plastic grocery bag. By sorting and packing their clothes in this manner, each morning your child can grab a package and have an entire outfit of clothing for the day. When it is time to go to bed at night, each child can stuff the soiled clothing back into the plastic bag and place it back into their suitcase and not soil unworn clothing.

Be sure to check your first-aid kit before you leave for your trip. You need to be sure it has all the basic necessities. Make sure it includes items like bandages, tweezers, disinfectant, ointment, etc. You never know when something may injure you or another person on your trip, so it's best to be prepared.

You should always have some duct tape along on any camping adventure. Not only is it useful around the home, but it serves many purposes while camping. It is perfect for fixing an air mattress. You can close up rips and tears, and bundle things together. You can even put some under your feet before long hikes so that you don't get blisters. It even works as a bandage.

Flashlights, lanterns and a good supply of extra batteries are necessary supplies during any camping trip. Once the sun has set it is nice to have a source of light. Without a flashlight, you could easily stumble and fall or be surprised by local wildlife. If you're taking kids along with you, give each one of them a flashlight.

It is a great idea to put your tent together at home before you go out camping. Some tents can seem very complicated, and you do not want to get stuck in the dark without your tent being assembled. If you practice when you are at home, you will already have the experience of setting it up, and it will go smoothly.

When you plan a camping trip with your family, take along extra clothing and bedding in case the weather turns cold or rainy. Check the weather forecast of the area you intend to travel to before you plan your trip, and make sure you have a weather radio along so you know of any alerts.

At the end of your trip, be sure to leave your campsite as clean as you found it. Be sure to pack large plastic bags for clearing away trash. Dispose of any left over food as well as your trash. The only thing that should be left behind are your footprints.

If you have more than three people camping with you, take along living in a wall tent more than one tent. You are going to want to have some privacy at one time or another. The additional tent will make it possible to get some "me" time while at the camp site. It also gives you additional storage to keep animals out of your supplies.

You should now see how much planning actually needs to be put into a great camping trip. Now that you know, you should begin preparing for a trip in which you are ready for anything. Follow this guide and you will soon be camping under the stars and having a great time.

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